Duphaston 10 mg in pregnancy use

Duphaston 10 mg in pregnancy use

Duphaston 10 mg is effective in treating infertility problems in females and offers relief from period problems like period pain, uneven periods, uterus lining issues, and, heavy bleeding. It corrects your period cycle in case you are not getting periods before you reach menopause.

Uses Of Duphaston 10mg In Preganancy

This tablet is a synthetic progestogen that works just like progesterone. The medicine treats different menstrual disorders that occur due to hormone deficiency in women. 

It can also help avoid abortions and miscarriages. relaxes cramps & period pain. This is also effective in treating issues of the uterus lining wherein periods are irregular and come with abdominal pain. 

It is also effective for treating periods that have halted due to menopause or not due to pregnancy.

 Duphaston 10mg helps treat different disorders like

    • Defective uterine bleeding
    • Threatened abortion
    • Pre-menstrual syndrome
    • Infertility due to HRT
    • Habitual abortion

It reduces the growth of the uterus lining. It triggers the hormone receptors, lets the natural dismissal of womb cells, and promotes growth.

If your periods have stopped before reaching menopause or you get heavy periods, it helps restore regular periods and manage heavy periods. Take this tablet as suggested by the doctor for the prescribed duration.

Uses in Pregnancy 

It treats female infertility, issues related to the uterine lining, and threatened abortions that occur in the 1st twenty weeks of pregnancy/habitual abortion(3 or more pregnancy losses in a row). 

It is part of HRT (hormone replacement therapy). The medicine replicates the actions of the natural hormone to help treat conditions that arise because of hormonal imbalance in your body. The ta regulates the growth and dismissal of the womb lining. 

In some cases where low female hormone result in periods problems, like painful/absent periods, menstrual syndrome, and issues related to the uterus lining, it helps get a regular period cycle. It also helps treat infertility and prepares the uterus lining for a healthy pregnancy.

Benefits of Duphaston 10mg Tablet

Female infertility

It helps treat female infertility by making the womb lining ready for pregnancy. It brings the irregular periods cycle back to normal and prevents repetitive miscarriages. The medicine also increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy in females who have experienced repetitive abortions in the past.

Periods Pain

It relieves cramps or pain that may occur during periods. Having pain during periods can affect your daily routine. So, take enough rest, eliminate stress, and drink enough water to reduce discomfort.


The syndrome is a series of emotional and physical disturbances that arise when the female reaches menopause. Duphaston 10mg tablet reduces the PMS symptoms like mood swings, tiredness, swelling, bloating, etc. It relieves headaches, cramps, and pain related to PMS. So, it will reduce uneasiness and enhance your mood. You can engage in yoga, and regular exercise, include a balanced diet, and get sufficient sleep to fight discomfort.

Side Effects

    • Nausea
    • Headache
    • Breast pain
    • Periods disorder
    • Migraine
    • Breast tenderness

Do not take this tablet if you have the following conditions 

    • If you are allergic to the tablet
    • For unidentified vaginal bleeding
    • Severe liver problems 
    • Depression

If pregnant, take this tablet only on the doctor’s advice. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid taking it as there is a lack of information about its safety. Also, children under 18 years cannot use this tablet. It helps boost the potential of the endometrium for pregnancy after ovulation.

It helps thicken the uterus lining to carry a fertilized egg. The medicine also prevents the contraction of uterus muscles that may refuse to take an egg in your uterus. So, if your body has high progesterone, ovulation will not happen.

It can cause spotting or bleeding in between your periods. Inform your medical expert immediately if it continues for a few months or more.

If you have a scheduled surgery and have to use this tablet, talk to your doctor to inform him about the surgery beforehand.

Also, inform your medical expert if you are intolerant to lactose as this tablet comprises lactose.

About Miscarriage 

A female can be at risk of miscarriage if

    • They are above 35 years of age
    • Have some health problems like thyroid or diabetes
    • Had 3 to 4 miscarriages


Q-What are the side effects of this tablet in pregnant women?

Duphaston 10mg can give rise to birth faults. For example, a fault in the penis involves a urinary opening. This problem arises in kids whose mothers have consumed progestogens. 

Well, there is no surety about developing this risk. There is not enough data to state that consuming this tablet in pregnant women is dangerous. You can discuss this with your medical expert to know about the risks as well as benefits of this medication.

Q-Can this tablet help prevent a miscarriage?

It helps prevent miscarriage and which may happen because of the low hormone progesterone. If you face a miscarriage due to a deficiency of hormones, it can prevent a miscarriage. Do not consume it without seeking help from your medical expert. Once prescribed, follow the directions of the medical expert to get more benefits from this tablet.

Q-Why is this tablet prescribed during pregnancy?

It helps a female having problems with repetitive abortions to attain successful pregnancies.

Q-Is it a contraceptive drug? 

It is not a contraceptive drug. It helps treat low progesterone in a woman.

Q-Can this tablet affect my fertility?

Well, no clinical proof that Duphaston 10mg reduces fertility with correct doses. Still, use it only upon doctor’s consultation.

Q-Will I experience any changes in my breast after taking this tablet?

It can lead to breast pain which is a side effect. Before you start treatment with this tablet, it is better to get a complete breast examination. Also, if you see any changes in the breast like lumps, breast heaviness, or some changes in breast fullness, speak to a medical expert. 

Q-Can this tablet give rise to ovarian cysts?

Yes. It may result in ovarian cysts. The cysts are small sac-like structures containing fluid and are harmless. They vanish without treatment.

Q-Are their possibilities of weight gain after taking this tablet?

Yes. It can result in weight gain. The weight gain may occur due to water retention. If you see a lot of weight gain while using it, speak to your healthcare provider.

Q-Should I undergo any tests before I start taking this tablet? 

Yes. Before you start consuming this tablet, get a breast examination which will help you see if there are any changes in the breast. Get regular check-ups to track vaginal bleeding. 

This medicine can result in sleepiness/dizziness so driving should be avoided if you encounter such symptoms. Try not to miss the dose and if you miss it take it immediately after you remember. If the next dose is on schedule, skip the dose you missed.

Do not take it without consulting your doctor. Also, follow the dose as told by your medical expert to get more benefits from this medicine.

If you are worried about having low female hormones, speak to your medical expert to get the correct treatment. He will evaluate your condition before prescribing this tablet. He will explain to you the benefits of this tablet. 

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