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Relgin1 mg

Product Code  : LC0709
Generic Name : Rasagiline
Brand Name    : Azilect
Manufacture   : Intas
Presentation   : pills (blister)
Delivery Days : 10 working days


SKU:Relgin1 mg

Relgin 1 mg

Relgin 1 mg is a medication primarily used to manage symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Containing the active ingredient rasagiline, it works by inhibiting monoamine oxidase-B, an enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the brain. By preserving dopamine levels, it helps improve motor function and reduce symptoms like tremors and stiffness.

It’s usually prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, often alongside other medications. Patients should follow their doctor’s dosage instructions carefully and report any side effects. Regular monitoring by a healthcare professional ensures the medication’s effectiveness and safety. Relgin 1 mg offers hope for better quality of life for Parkinson’s patients.


Relgin 1 mg is specifically used to manage symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Its active ingredient, rasagiline, increases dopamine levels in the brain, helping to improve motor functions and reduce tremors, stiffness, and movement difficulties.

Taken once daily, it is effective in enhancing patients’ quality of life. Consult your doctor for personalized advice and potential side effects. Purchase Relgin 1 mg from reputable online pharmacies for competitive prices and fast delivery.

How does it work?

Relgin 1 mg contains the active ingredient rasagiline, which works by inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B). MAO-B is responsible for breaking down dopamine in the brain. By inhibiting this enzyme, rasagiline increases the levels of dopamine, a crucial neurotransmitter that plays a key role in controlling movement and coordination.

This increase in dopamine helps improve motor symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement) associated with Parkinson’s disease. This mechanism helps enhance overall motor function and quality of life for patients.

How to use Relgin 1 mg?

To use Relgin 1 mg, follow these steps:

  1. Consult Your Doctor: Always use Relgin 1 mg as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  2. Dosage: The typical dose is one 1 mg tablet taken once daily.
  3. Timing: You can take Relgin 1 mg with or without food.
  4. Consistency: Take the medication at the same time each day to maintain an even level in your bloodstream.
  5. Swallowing: Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water; do not crush or chew it.
  6. Follow-Up: Regularly consult your doctor to monitor your response and adjust the dose if necessary.

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember unless it’s almost time for the next dose. Do not double the dose to catch up

Side Effects

Relgin 1 mg, containing rasagiline, is generally well-tolerated, but like all medications, it can have side effects. What makes Relgin unique is its favorable side effect profile compared to other Parkinson’s medications. Common side effects include headache, joint pain, indigestion, and flu-like symptoms.

Unlike some Parkinson’s treatments, Relgin has a lower risk of causing dyskinesia (involuntary movements) when used alone. Additionally, it does not typically lead to significant drowsiness or hallucinations, which are common with other drugs in this class. Always consult your doctor to discuss any potential side effects and how they may affect you.


When using Relgin 1 mg, consider the following precautions:

  1. Medical History: Inform your doctor of your complete medical history, especially if you have liver problems, high blood pressure, or a history of mental health disorders.
  2. Medication Interactions: Relgin can interact with other medications, including antidepressants, opioids, and over-the-counter drugs. Provide your doctor with a full list of all medications and supplements you are taking.
  3. Dietary Restrictions: Avoid foods high in tyramine (like aged cheeses and cured meats) as they can cause a hypertensive crisis when taken with MAO-B inhibitors.
  4. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Discuss with your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.
  5. Operating Machinery: Relgin may cause dizziness. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you know how the medication affects you.
  6. Regular Monitoring: Keep regular appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and adjust the dosage if necessary.


Relgin 1 mg offers effective relief for Parkinson’s symptoms with a favorable side effect profile. Its active ingredient, rasagiline, boosts dopamine levels, improving motor function. Unlike other medications, Relgin minimizes dyskinesia risk and offers manageable side effects.

However, patients should adhere to precautions, including dietary restrictions and medication interactions. Consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on optimizing Parkinson’s management with it.


30 pills


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