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Prednisolone 20 mg

Product Code           : LC0028
Generic Name          : Prednisolone 20MG
Brand Name             : WYSOLONE
Manufacture            : Pfizer Limited
Presentation             : pills (blister)
Delivery time            : 12-15 working days 



What is Prednisolone 20 mg?

Prednisolone 20 mg is a corticosteroid medication used to treat various inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, asthma, and allergic reactions. It works by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune system’s response. This medication effectively alleviates symptoms such as pain, swelling, and redness, improving the quality of life for patients.

However, caution should be exercised due to potential side effects, including weight gain, mood changes, and increased susceptibility to infections. Prednisolone 20mg should be used under medical supervision, following prescribed dosages and durations, to minimize risks and ensure safe and effective treatment outcomes.


Prednisolone 20 mg serves as a potent corticosteroid medication utilized to address a spectrum of inflammatory conditions, encompassing arthritis, dermatitis, and respiratory ailments. Its efficacy lies in mitigating inflammation and modulating immune responses, thereby alleviating symptoms like pain, swelling, and breathing difficulties. Additionally, it aids in managing autoimmune disorders and allergic reactions.

However, its application extends beyond conventional use, finding utility in treating certain types of cancers and hematological conditions. Despite its efficacy, prudent usage under medical supervision is essential to mitigate potential side effects and optimize therapeutic outcomes tailored to individual patient needs.

Available Strengths 

Prednisolone 10 mg

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How to use it?

To utilize Prednisolone 20 mg effectively, adhere closely to your healthcare provider’s guidance. Typically administered orally, it can be taken with or without food. The dosage and duration of treatment vary based on the specific condition being treated and individual response. Measure liquid medication using a specialized device for accuracy.

It’s crucial to follow prescribed dosages meticulously and avoid abrupt discontinuation to prevent withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, closely monitor for any adverse effects and report them promptly to your healthcare provider. Prednisolone 20mg should be used under medical supervision to ensure safe and optimal treatment outcomes.

How to use Prednisolone 20 mg?

To administer Prednisolone 20mg, swallow the tablet whole with a full glass of water. Avoid crushing or chewing the tablet. Take it at the same time each day to maintain consistent levels in the bloodstream. Follow the dosage prescribed by your healthcare provider precisely, as it varies based on the condition being treated.

If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember, unless it’s close to your next scheduled dose. Do not double up on doses to make up for a missed one. Store Prednisolone 20mg at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

Side Effects

Prednisolone 20 mg may elicit various side effects, including insomnia, mood swings, and increased appetite. Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as nausea or stomach pain. Long-term use may lead to weight gain, fluid retention, and elevated blood sugar levels. Additionally, Prednisolone can weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections.

Rare but serious side effects may include vision changes, seizures, and severe allergic reactions. It’s crucial to monitor for any unusual symptoms and promptly report them to your healthcare provider. Always balance the benefits of Prednisolone treatment against potential risks, seeking medical advice as needed.


When using Prednisolone 20mg, observe several precautions to ensure safe and effective treatment. Inform your healthcare provider about any existing medical conditions, especially diabetes, high blood pressure, or infections. Exercise caution when interacting with individuals who have contagious illnesses, as Prednisolone may weaken the immune system.

Long-term use can increase the risk of osteoporosis, so consume adequate calcium and vitamin D and undergo regular bone density screenings. Avoid abruptly discontinuing Prednisolone, as it may lead to withdrawal symptoms. Also, limit alcohol consumption and minimize exposure to sunlight, as Prednisolone may increase sensitivity to these factors.


Prednisolone 20mg may interact with various medications and substances, altering their effectiveness or increasing the risk of side effects. Inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and herbal remedies. Prednisolone may interact with anticoagulants, diabetes medications, and vaccines, among others.

Additionally, certain substances like alcohol and grapefruit juice may intensify Prednisolone’s effects or cause adverse reactions. It’s essential to discuss potential interactions with your doctor or pharmacist to minimize risks and ensure safe and effective treatment outcomes while using it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Prednisolone 20 mg be used for cosmetic purposes?

It is not intended for cosmetic use and should only be used for medical conditions as prescribed by a healthcare provider. Using it for cosmetic purposes may lead to adverse effects and is not recommended.

Is it safe to take Prednisolone 20 mg during pregnancy?

It should only be used during pregnancy if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the risks and benefits of using Prednisolone during pregnancy and determine the most appropriate course of action.

Can Prednisolone 20 mg be used for weight loss?

Prednisolone is not approved for weight loss and should not be used for this purpose. While it may cause weight gain as a side effect, using it solely for weight loss is not safe and may lead to serious health complications.

Can Prednisolone 20 mg be used to enhance athletic performance?

Using Prednisolone to enhance athletic performance is not only ineffective but also dangerous. Misusing Prednisolone in this manner can lead to severe side effects and long-term health consequences. It’s important to use Prednisolone only as prescribed by a healthcare provider for legitimate medical purposes.

Is Prednisolone 20mg addictive?

Prednisolone is not considered addictive in the same way that some other medications or substances are. However, abrupt discontinuation after prolonged use may lead to withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully when discontinuing Prednisolone to minimize the risk of withdrawal effects.

Can Prednisolone 20mg be taken with herbal supplements?

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before taking Prednisolone 20mg with herbal supplements. Some herbal supplements may interact with Prednisolone and either decrease its effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. Your healthcare provider can guide the safe use of herbal supplements with Prednisolone.

Can Prednisolone 20mg be used in children with asthma?

Prednisolone 20 mg may be used in children with asthma under the supervision of a healthcare provider. However, the dosage and duration of treatment should be carefully monitored to minimize the risk of side effects, especially in pediatric patients.

Does Prednisolone 20 mg cause hair loss?

While hair loss is not a common side effect of Prednisolone, some individuals may experience this symptom. If you notice significant hair loss while taking Prednisolone, it’s essential to discuss it with your healthcare provider, as it may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

Can Prednisolone 20 mg be used to treat COVID-19?

It may be used as part of the treatment regimen for COVID-19 in certain cases, especially for patients with severe symptoms or complications. However, its use should be carefully monitored by a healthcare provider, and it should not be used without proper medical supervision.

Can Prednisolone 20 mg be used to treat skin conditions like acne?

It is not typically used to treat acne and may even worsen the condition in some cases. It’s essential to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate acne treatment and avoid using Prednisolone for this purpose.


Prednisolone 20 mg is a potent corticosteroid medication utilized to manage various inflammatory conditions, offering relief from symptoms such as pain and swelling. While effective, it necessitates cautious use under medical supervision to mitigate potential side effects and interactions.

By adhering to prescribed dosages and seeking guidance from healthcare providers, individuals can maximize the benefits of Prednisolone treatment while minimizing risks, ultimately improving their overall health and well-being.



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