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Distaclor 500mg

Product Code   :LC279
Generic Name  : Cefaclor
Brand Name     : Ceclor
Manufacture     : Eli lilly
Presentation     : caps.
Delivery Days   : 10 working days


SKU:Distaclor 500mg

Distaclor 500mg

Distaclor 500mg, containing Cefaclor, is a potent antibiotic used to combat a wide range of bacterial infections. Its mechanism of action involves inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, thereby disrupting bacterial growth and replication. This medication is commonly prescribed for respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections.

Available in both capsule and suspension forms, Distaclor is tailored to suit varying patient needs and infection severities. While generally well-tolerated, it may cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, or allergic reactions. Patients should adhere strictly to prescribed dosages and complete the full course of treatment for optimal efficacy.


Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor) serves as a versatile antibiotic, adept at combating diverse bacterial infections. Its efficacy extends across respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections, making it a valuable asset in the medical arsenal. Distaclor’s mechanism of action, inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, ensures targeted and effective treatment.

Whether addressing mild to moderate infections or more severe cases, Distaclor offers a reliable solution. With its ability to target a wide spectrum of bacteria, Distaclor stands as a cornerstone in the fight against infectious diseases, promoting recovery and restoring health with each prescribed dose.

How to use it?

To use Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor) effectively, follow your healthcare provider’s instructions precisely. Typically, take the prescribed dosage orally with a full glass of water, preferably with meals to enhance absorption and reduce stomach upset. Do not crush or chew the tablets; swallow them whole. If using the suspension form, shake well before each dose and measure accurately with the provided measuring spoon or device.

Adhere strictly to the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment, even if symptoms improve. Missing doses or stopping prematurely may result in ineffective treatment or bacterial resistance. Contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or experience adverse effects.

How does Distaclor 500mg work?

Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor) operates by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, a pivotal process for bacterial growth and reproduction. Specifically, it targets enzymes involved in peptidoglycan synthesis, a crucial component of bacterial cell walls. By disrupting this process, Distaclor weakens the cell wall, rendering bacteria vulnerable to destruction by the immune system.

This mechanism effectively halts bacterial proliferation, facilitating the body’s natural defenses to eradicate the infection. Distaclor’s ability to selectively target bacterial cells while sparing human cells ensures targeted treatment with minimal side effects. Thus, Distaclor serves as a formidable weapon against bacterial infections, aiding in swift recovery.

Side Effects

While generally well-tolerated, Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor) may induce certain side effects. Common adverse reactions include gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. Additionally, patients may experience allergic reactions ranging from rash to severe hypersensitivity reactions like anaphylaxis.

Rarely, Distaclor may lead to liver or kidney problems, manifesting as jaundice or changes in urine output. It’s crucial to monitor for signs of adverse effects and promptly report any unusual symptoms to a healthcare provider. Adhering to prescribed dosages and seeking medical advice can help mitigate the risk of side effects and ensure safe usage of Distaclor.


When using Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor), certain precautions should be observed to ensure safe and effective treatment. Patients with a history of allergic reactions to cephalosporin antibiotics should exercise caution, as they may be at an increased risk of hypersensitivity reactions to Distaclor. It’s essential to inform healthcare providers about any known allergies or medical conditions before starting treatment.

Additionally, prolonged or unnecessary use of antibiotics may lead to bacterial resistance, so Distaclor should only be used as prescribed and for the duration specified by a healthcare provider. Regular monitoring for signs of adverse effects is recommended to ensure optimal safety and efficacy.


Distaclor 500mg (Cefaclor) stands as a potent antibiotic in combating bacterial infections, offering targeted treatment and minimal side effects. Its mechanism of action, inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, ensures effective eradication of bacterial pathogens.

While precautions should be observed, adherence to prescribed dosages and treatment durations facilitates safe usage. Distaclor’s role in promoting recovery and restoring health underscores its significance in the medical field, providing patients with a reliable solution to bacterial infections.



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