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Azithral 250 mg

Product Code   : LC176
Generic Name  : Azithromycin
Brand Name     : Zithromax
Manufacture    : Alembic
Presentation    : pills (blister)
Delivery Days  : 10 working days


SKU:Azithral 250mg

Azithral 250 mg

Azithral 250 mg is a powerhouse in fighting bacterial infections. Its potent formulation swiftly tackles respiratory, skin, and ear infections, ensuring quick relief. With just one tablet a day, it simplifies treatment, enhancing compliance. Trusted by healthcare professionals worldwide, the medicine offers superior efficacy and minimal side effects. Experience the convenience and effectiveness of Azithral 250 mg, your go-to solution for bacterial woes. Say goodbye to infections and hello to a healthier you with Azithral 250mg.

What is Azithral 250 used for?

Azithral 250 is a versatile antibiotic used to treat a variety of bacterial infections, including respiratory tract infections, skin infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia. Its broad-spectrum action and convenience make it a preferred choice for healthcare providers in managing bacterial ailments effectively. Trust the medicine to swiftly alleviate symptoms and combat infections, ensuring a faster return to health and well-being.

How does Azithral 250 work?

Azithral 250 operates as a formidable warrior against bacterial invaders, disrupting their growth and multiplication with precision. Its active ingredient, azithromycin, penetrates bacterial cells and inhibits their ability to produce essential proteins required for survival. This disrupts their vital functions, ultimately leading to their demise.

Its unique mechanism of action ensures the targeted elimination of bacteria, effectively clearing infections. With its potent and selective approach, Azithral 250 stands as a stalwart defender of health, providing swift relief and restoring balance to the body’s microbial ecosystem. Trust in Azithral 250 to combat bacterial infections with unparalleled efficacy.

How to use it?

Administering Azithral 250 is straightforward and effective. Take the prescribed dosage orally, with or without food, usually once daily. Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water; do not crush or chew it. Follow the recommended duration of treatment, even if symptoms improve, to ensure complete eradication of the infection. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but do not double the dose to catch up. Store Azithral 250 at room temperature away from moisture and heat, and keep it out of reach of children.


Azithral 250 offers a plethora of benefits in combating bacterial infections. Its potent formulation swiftly alleviates symptoms, promoting rapid recovery from respiratory, skin, and ear infections. With just one daily dose, treatment becomes convenient and manageable, enhancing patient compliance. It’s broad-spectrum action ensures efficacy against a wide range of bacterial strains, making it a versatile choice for healthcare providers.

Trusted worldwide, it minimizes the risk of antibiotic resistance and boasts minimal side effects. Experience the convenience, efficacy, and reliability of Azithral 250, your trusted ally in overcoming bacterial ailments and restoring optimal health.

Side Effects

While Azithral 250 is generally well-tolerated, it may cause occasional side effects. These can include gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Some individuals may experience allergic reactions like rash, itching, or swelling. Rarely, more severe side effects like liver problems or irregular heartbeats may occur.

It’s essential to promptly notify your healthcare provider if you experience any adverse effects. Remember to weigh the benefits against potential risks, and always adhere to prescribed dosages. With vigilance and communication, any side effects can be effectively managed, ensuring safe and effective treatment with it.


When using Azithral 250, exercise caution and heed these precautions for optimal safety:

  1. Inform your healthcare provider about any allergies or medical conditions before starting treatment.
  2. Follow dosage instructions precisely, and complete the full course of medication as prescribed.
  3. Avoid taking it with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium, as they can reduce its effectiveness.
  4. Use caution when driving or operating machinery, as it may cause dizziness or drowsiness.
  5. Inform your doctor of any other medications or supplements you’re taking to prevent potential interactions.
  6. Store it at room temperature, away from moisture and sunlight, and keep it out of reach of children


Azithral 250 may interact with various medications, affecting its efficacy or causing adverse effects. Avoid combining it with antacids containing aluminum or magnesium, as they can reduce absorption. Inform your healthcare provider about all medications you’re taking, especially blood thinners, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and medications metabolized by the liver.

It may also interact with certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and antifungal medications. Always consult your doctor before starting or stopping any medications while using Azithral  to prevent potential interactions and ensure safe and effective treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drink alcohol while taking Azithral 250?

It’s generally recommended to avoid alcohol while taking it, as it may increase the risk of side effects such as stomach upset or liver problems.

Is Azithral 250 safe for pregnant women?

Before taking it during pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider. They can assess the potential risks and benefits and provide personalized recommendations based on your situation.

Can I take Azithral 250 if I have a penicillin allergy?

It’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about any allergies, including penicillin, before taking it. They can determine whether it’s safe for you to use and recommend alternative treatments if necessary.


Azithral 250 emerges as a reliable solution for battling bacterial infections, offering swift relief and minimal side effects. Its broad-spectrum action and convenient dosing make it a preferred choice for healthcare providers and patients alike.

With careful adherence to dosage instructions and precautions, Azithral 250 stands as a stalwart defender against bacterial ailments, promoting speedy recovery and optimal health. Trust in Azithral 250 to restore wellness and vitality, paving the way for a brighter, infection-free future.




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